3 Minute Pitch Deck Template

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Preparing for a pitch deck can be stressful. You need to make sure that your presentation is informative, entertaining, and persuasive enough to get the investors’ attention. But don’t worry! With this 3-minute pitch deck template, you’ll have all the pieces of the puzzle ready in no time.

Tell Your Story

The first thing you want to do is tell your story. Introduce yourself and your team, show why you are passionate about this project, and explain how it will benefit the world. Be clear and concise with your narrative – investors are not looking for long stories but rather something that gets their attention quickly and makes them want to know more.

Show Your Vision

The second step is to present your vision clearly. Show how you intend to make money with this project, what your end-goal is, and how you plan on achieving it. Investors want to understand exactly where they will be investing their money in so make sure you can give them a clear picture of what they can expect from you in the future.

Explain Your Numbers

The last step is to explain your numbers in detail. You want to show that you have done your due diligence by researching potential markets, making accurate predictions about growth opportunities, etc. When presenting financials like revenue projections or market share estimates be sure they are realistic and backed up by data & research.  

Once you have these three elements included in your pitch deck presentation—storytelling, vision, and numbers—you will be well on your way toward perfecting it for demo days! Keep in mind that investors are looking for projects that have the potential for success so make sure yours stands out by focusing on strong storytelling skills combined with a well-developed vision backed up by solid numbers & research. Remember - practice makes perfect when it comes to pitching! Good luck!

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