Who is Joseph Flaherty?
Like we said, Joseph Flaherty is the director of Founder Collective, a VC fund for founders at the seed stage. He also leads the design team at AgaMatrix, a medical device company focused on mobile health. Flaherty furthermore leads a group of people who are working at the intersection of technology and culture.
What is a Series A pitch deck?
The Series A pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs use to pitch their company to investors during the Series A funding round. The Series A funding round is the first round of institutional funding for a startup, and it typically follows the seed round, where the startup raises money from friends, family, and angel investors. The Series A pitch deck is a critical part of the Series A funding process, as it helps entrepreneurs communicate the value and potential of their company to investors and persuade them to invest.
The Series A pitch deck template by Joseph Flaherty is a comprehensive and effective way to structure and present a Series A pitch. Joseph Flaherty is a Silicon Valley investor and entrepreneur, and he has created the Series A pitch deck template based on his experience with startups and investors. The template includes the key elements that investors expect to see in a Series A pitch, such as the problem, the solution, the market, the traction, the team, the financials, and the ask.
In this article, we will walk you through the key elements of the Series A pitch deck template by Joseph Flaherty and provide tips on how to create a compelling and convincing pitch.
The introduction is the first part of the Series A pitch deck, and it is your opportunity to grab the attention of the investors and set the tone of the presentation.
In the introduction, you should:
- Start with a strong and concise opening: Use a catchy and memorable opening that captures the essence of your company and the problem that it solves. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the investors may not understand.
- Introduce yourself and the team: Introduce yourself and the team and provide a brief overview of your backgrounds and qualifications. Investors want to see that the team has the expertise and experience to execute the business plan.
- Explain the problem and the solution: Explain the problem that your company addresses and how your solution is unique and innovative. Use examples and data to illustrate the size and significance of the problem and how your solution addresses it.
The market section of the Series A pitch deck is where you describe the market opportunity and the potential of your company to capture it.
In the market section, you should:
- Define the market size and growth: Describe the size and growth of the market that your company targets and how it compares to the competition. Use data and research to support your claims and illustrate the potential of the market.
- Explain the market segment and target customer: Describe the specific market segment that your company targets and the characteristics of the target customer. Use customer personas and market segmentation to define the target customer and explain how your product or service meets their needs and preferences.
- Describe the competition: Describe the main competitors of your company and how you differentiate from them. Use data and examples to show how your company has a competitive advantage and can capture a significant share of the market.
The traction section of the Series A pitch deck is where you demonstrate the progress and success of your company to date.
In the traction section, you should:
- Show the key metrics: Show the key metrics that demonstrate the progress and success of your company, such as the number of users, the revenue, the retention rate, and the customer satisfaction. Use graphs and charts to illustrate the trend and the trajectory of the metrics.
- Explain the milestones and achievements: Describe the milestones and achievements that your company has reached so far, such as the launch of the product, the partnerships, the awards, and the media coverage. Use these milestones and achievements to demonstrate the value and potential of your company.
- Share customer testimonials: Share customer testimonials that demonstrate the demand and satisfaction of your product or service. Customer testimonials are a powerful way to validate the value and appeal of your company to potential investors.
The team section of the Series A pitch deck is where you introduce the team and describe their roles and responsibilities.
In the team section, you should:
- Introduce the key members: Introduce the key members of the team and provide a brief overview of their backgrounds, qualifications, and roles. Focus on the members that have relevant experience and expertise in the industry and the problem that your company solves.
- Explain the team structure and culture: Explain the team structure and culture of your company and how it reflects the values and mission of the company. Investors want to see that the team is cohesive, aligned, and committed to the success of the company.
- Describe the team's strengths: Describe the strengths of the team and how they contribute to the success of the company. Use examples and data to illustrate the achievements and impact of the team.
The financials section of the Series A pitch deck is where you present the financial projections and the funding plan of your company.
In the financials section, you should:
- Show the current financial situation: Show the current financial situation of your company, including the revenue, the expenses, the profit, and the cash flow. Use graphs and charts to illustrate the trend and the trajectory of the financials.
- Present the financial projections: Present the financial projections of your company for the next three to five years. The financial projections should be based on realistic and conservative assumptions and should include the revenue, the expenses, the profit, and the cash flow.
- Explain the funding plan: Explain the funding plan of your company, including the amount of funding that you are seeking, the use of the funds, and the terms of the funding. Use the financial projections to justify the funding need
The ask section of the Series A pitch deck is where you make the formal request for funding and summarize the key points of the presentation.
In the ask section, you should:
- Clearly state the amount of funding that you are seeking: Clearly state the amount of funding that you are seeking and explain how you plan to use the funds. Be specific and realistic and avoid asking for more than you need or can justify.
- Summarize the key points of the presentation: Summarize the key points of the presentation and highlight the strengths and differentiators of your company. Use bullet points or a slide with key takeaways to make it easy for the investors to remember the main points.
- Close with a strong and memorable statement: Close with a strong and memorable statement that summarizes the value and potential of your company and inspires the investors to invest. Avoid using clichés or overly optimistic language, and focus on the facts and the data.
The Series A pitch deck template by Joseph Flaherty is a comprehensive and effective way to structure and present a Series A pitch. By following the template, you can communicate the value and potential of your company to investors and persuade them to invest. To create a successful Series A pitch deck, you should define the problem and the solution, describe the market and the competition, show the traction, introduce the team, present the financials, and make the ask. By following these steps, you can create a compelling and convincing Series A pitch deck that showcases the potential and promise of your company.